Tuesday, May 24, 2011

KRT (F4) Extra!!! Worksheet 6


Underline the idioms and explain their meanings.
1.    The CEO was very particular about the details of the agreement; he split hairs over every issue.

To thoroughly study

2.    Her mother turned her back on her once she decided to marry the man that her mother hated.
3.    She raised her eyebrows at the suggestion of the merger; everyone was surprised.
4.    He really put his foot in it when he mentioned the bad deal in front of the boss who had organized the deal.
5.    She really risked her neck when she made that suggestion. Everyone was against her but she managed to change their minds.
6.    I never know what is going to happen in my job; I always have to think on my feet.
7.    When John asked me for a drink I said no but he really twisted my arm. I gave in.
8.    The CEO gave the thumbs up to the new project; we started it the following day.
9.    Initially we had no ideas for the new project but then we put our heads together and came up with some possibilities.
10. John asked me what my plans were for the weekend. I wasn't sure so I told him that I was going to play it by ear.

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